Friday, November 7, 2008

Barack Obama for President

Who is the best president for America, Barack Obama or John McCain? This is a recent commentary written by the editors of Chicago Sun-Times on why Barack Obama is the best candidate for presidency.
This commentary is for anyone who supports Barack Obama or who is trying to gather any information on the right candidate for presidency. The authors claim that Barack Obama is what America needs to build up our economy, and to lead our nation in difficult times. They were able to build on this claim by informing the readers, first and most importantly, by giving some of his background information and provided information on why he is more than qualified to serve as the nations president. Due to his ability to see the world through the eyes of others, his education, and his previous experience in governmental affairs. The authors address the issues that America is faced with today and how Barack Obama plans to correct and continue to work on these problems. Some of the issues included; America opening up and talking to its adversaries, and how to fix the economy, and the energy policy.
The authors give evidence that Barack Obama has been tried and tested and always is able to follow through . They describe him as a man that is able to keep his cool , run his own campaign and not let the campaign run him, and as a man with extraordinary leadership skills.
I definitely agree with the editors of the Chicago Sun-Times. America needs a man with good leadership skills, a level head, and the confidence to stand strong and promote peace. Barack Obama would be the man because of his ability and willingness to see the world through the eyes of others, and his goals and plans for America in these upcoming years.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

IS the End to Prosperity?

Anyone who doubts that the U.S is headed for a recession is simply living in denial. With the recent fall in the stock market, retail sales, and employment.The Americans are awaiting a great down fall. In the article, The End of Prosperity by Niall Ferguson. The author speaks about the recession, Bush's administration bail out plan, the fall in employment rates, homeowners crisis, and the decrease of retail sales. The author also poses a very interesting question: Will this recession be insignificant because America can quickly correct these problems, or can this lead to something similar to the great depression?I found this article to be very interesting and informative. I would suggest that others read this so that they can become fully aware of the finical crisis that lies ahead for the American people.